Daughters this word which has different meanings for all of us one whose single smile makes our society full with joy ...but society had shown us different meanings of daughter which i want to repeat here,
* One who always cry's not for others
dignity but her own dignity.
* One who just meant for disport not more than that.
* One who just used to entertain some of the bad bugs.
* One who is meant to killed before coming to this world.
* One who always cry's not for others
dignity but her own dignity.
* One who just meant for disport not more than that.
* One who just used to entertain some of the bad bugs.
* One who is meant to killed before coming to this world.
Is it the meaning of daughter? Yes I am asking to you get above with your mentality.
Their are some families who have money to spend on their boys but when it comes to girls their incomes fails.
Some of several places where girls have to face vast list of instructions. As the generation gap is proportionally increasing with the instructions lists for them . Last but not the least don't respect partially respect mutually not only with your daughters but others too. And don't dare to expect change in society until you don't change yourself.....
Their are some families who have money to spend on their boys but when it comes to girls their incomes fails.
Some of several places where girls have to face vast list of instructions. As the generation gap is proportionally increasing with the instructions lists for them . Last but not the least don't respect partially respect mutually not only with your daughters but others too. And don't dare to expect change in society until you don't change yourself.....

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